SO Embarrassing

As I mentioned in the previous post, the boys and I had to run a couple of errands this morning. I got their clothes out, they (eventually) got dressed, and got their shoes on. I got everyone in the car, and got to Sears, where I was returning a Lands End swimsuit (did you know you could do that? so easy!), a little before they opened, so we were standing outside the entrance.

I looked over at Bennett, and, much to my horror, realized THE KID IS WEARING BOXER SHORTS. OUT IN PUBLIC. How did I not notice this before, you might ask? Well, I had gotten out some camo cargo shorts for him to wear, which I know he put on. Then he took it upon himself to go back to his room and change out of those and into the camo boxers Luke slept in last night, which were still laying on the floor of their room. Why, I have no idea, but he did. And my first indication that this had happened was at Sears. I wanted to hide. But instead, we made our return at Sears, went on to Sam’s Club (where Bennett did get to have snacks!), and then came home. No one commented on them, but it was all I could think about.

13 responses to “SO Embarrassing

  1. haha!! that little guy keeps you on your toes, doesn’t he!?

  2. That is hilarious!! This sounds like something I might be in for in a couple of months with my guy.

  3. bennett, you crack me up. i love you.

  4. Too funny! He is one smart and hilarious little boy! Was Luke upset that Bennett was wearing his shorts?!?

  5. I’m laughing out loud at this!

  6. I love it! It’s just a reminder that boys don’t care! He wore what felt most comfortable!

  7. I wonder if he was just confused since the shorts and the boxers were both camo! Hilarious!!!

  8. No, he told me he wanted to wear the boxers instead…he’d had the camo shorts on and took them off, the little stinker!

  9. i’m surprised they fit!

  10. Wait a minute. Did you say you returned a swimsuit? Is this the brand new swimsuit? If so, what happened?

  11. Free shipping at Lands End…I found one the same style, different colors, that I liked a little better 🙂

  12. Thank heavens! I’m a grandmother and thought when things like that happened to me with my grandchildren I was losing it. Nice to know the younger set has “those moments” too!

  13. Pingback: A Gift « Here’s the Diehl

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