Almost 2…

On Sunday, a huge milestone occurred at our house.

Jack Henry threw away his pacifiers.

Not willingly, of course.  But in our house, 2 years old = no more pacis.  Sidenote 1: at age 1, we go to a pacifiers-are-for-bedtime-or-when-you’re-sick policy, so we were only taking them away from his naptime/bedtime. We went cold turkey with Bennett at age 2 and I remember a couple of rough weeks (think no naps, hard time falling asleep at night, but no actual crying for or looking for the pacifier), and then things were fine again. Luke didn’t take a paci past 3 months old or so, so we didn’t have to do this with him.

I’ve been talking with Jack Henry about this for several weeks now, as his second birthday is rapidly approaching (speaking of which, we might be buying him a new carseat for his birthday…won’t be he thrilled?  I’m half kidding.).  I started with the “you’re almost 2, and 2 is a big boy, and pacis are for babies” talk.  He liked this at first, and started holding up two fingers, which is so cute.  Then, in the last 10 days or so, I’d put him in his bed, give him the reminder that pretty soon we were going to throw the pacis away, and he would hold up 1 finger and smile at me, I think telling me he just wanted to be 1!  Smarty pants…

Anyway, the day came.  Sunday morning he got up, I took my dad’s advice and cut the tips off the ends of the pacifiers and gave him all four that I could find (I later found two more and disposed of them, lest I cave in a weak moment and give it back).  He tried to suck on each of them, and then sat them up on the counter.  We told him that since they were broken, he might as well just throw them in the trash, and he did.  We celebrated with oatmeal chocolate chip cookies before breakfast, and lots of “we’re so proud of you, you’re a big boy” talk.

Since then, things have really gone pretty well, considering this was his primary soothing item (he does have a dog, blanket and lovey that he sleeps with, too). His nap on Sunday and bedtime that night went pretty smoothly; Monday’s nap was OK, too. Then last night I think he really started missing it. He kept shouting my name over and over, and I went in several times to remind him about the big boy party, and that the pacis were all gone. At one point, he convinced me to get him out of his crib so he could check under his bed and in the drawer, where the extras were always kept! It took him a long time to fall asleep last night – maybe an hour, when typically, it’s a half hour and he just lays in there chatting to himself – but tonight was a little better, and I anticipate that tomorrow will be even easier.

Here’s the photo documentation, of course! I love that he had to try each one of them out, just to be sure.

Sidenote 2: because wordpress does not have the capability (or, I do not have the capability via wordpress, one or the other, but it’s probably me) to post SOME pictures as gallery and SOME pictures as big pictures, you have to see the first three sweet baby pictures with the other grouping. Grrr.

Goodbye, old friend. You’ve seen us through some rough times, and I’m probably going to miss you (and your magical abilities) as much as he is.

17 responses to “Almost 2…

  1. Ohhhhh . . . this post and the pics almost make me cry!!!

    Good idea with the “broken” pacis, Rick! I just love the photo documentation of each step! (I’ll tell ya–that boy’s eyelashes in ones w/ him sucking the pacis!) I can remember so clearly the ceremonial “throwing away” scene w/ my girls!

    Got a chuckle out of the 1st 3 baby pics, esp the 1st one, where he doesn’t really look like himself yet.

    Hope each day is a little better.

  2. That is just so sweet Nicole. Poor baby! He’s so stink’in cute.

  3. Good Luck! Luckily Katie decided on her own at about 13 months that she didn’t want her pacifier anymore – I think I was more upset then she was about it. Abby never took one – good on the fact that we never had to deal with breaking the habit – bad in that she cried A LOT as an infant and there was nothing to soothe her! 🙂
    Congrats JH!

  4. Congrats JH! I remember getting rid of paci at our house. Lyndsey was horrible. She really loved the pacifier and still tries to put things in her mouth (hair, fingers) at almost 7. Sean did really well though. The pics are adorable! I love his cheeks!

  5. My favorite pic is the one you labeled “paci 8”. It looks like he’s examining it to figure out what the deal is. 😀

    Hopefully the rest of his transition will be smooth. When little ones call out for their mama it is so hard on a mama’s heart. 😉

    (By the way, Rebecca told me that I can NEVER make those cookies; they are so amazing that she is afraid of how many calories she’d consume if we had them right here in the house.) 😀

  6. we just went through this with luke back in april. i think the hardest part (for me) was not having them in church to help keep him quiet. the first month or so of sundays were not fun.
    good job jack henry, you’re such a big boy now!

  7. Wow! Way to go JH! Hope the rest of the transition goes smoothly.

    Unfortunately I can’t throw away my 4-yr-old’s thumb. Her dentist told us at her last check-up that we should start saving for braces now. I only felt marginally better when he said she would need them anyway for genetic reasons. But now I’m wishing I had pushed the paci when she was little so I would have something to take away!

  8. We cut the tips off as well. Then I let them hold them in bed for as many nights as it takes until they don’t care anymore. You’re right, we miss them more than they do.

    We’re getting close. I always do it between two and two and a half years old.

    Cute pictures.

  9. Way to go Jack!
    I have confidence he will transition fine…..

  10. Very sweet. It’s hard to let go of baby things. I can’t believe he and Landon are getting so big. They’re not babies anymore 😦

  11. Nice job JH!!

  12. ohhhh this is making me have a panic attack. 😦 we plan to put the same rule in place when adali turns 2 and reading this makes me sad. i’m not ready to say goodbye to the last of the “baby” items.

  13. love that he was cool with throwing them away because they were “broken”! he looks so cute in that pic! what a super adorable boy he is!

  14. Believe it or not, my mom did that for ME when I was (way too old for a paci) little. But reading this post makes me want one! What the heck!? Great job for him!

  15. Great photos! He is adorable. 2 of my 3 took a paci and we got rid of them in exactly the same way you did. It’s a big milestone.

  16. Once Oliver is acquainted with school (not freaking out when I drop him off) the “gunga” fairy is coming!

  17. First time commenter.

    My daughter got rid of her pacis a couple of weeks before her second birthday on her own. She decided one day that”the binkies were mean.” Whatever that meant, but it worked, so no complaints on my part.

    Your boys are adorable.

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