Spidey’s Got Nothing on Them

luke spiderman

i can't understand why does he loves to do this so much. i guess just because he's a boy.

incidentally, do you love his outfit?  chosen himself.

incidentally, do you love his outfit? chosen himself.

8 responses to “Spidey’s Got Nothing on Them

  1. My boys do this ALL THE TIME. They also just climb up one side of the door frame.

    Crazy boys.

  2. Wow–Luke’s up there! Amazingly, I don’t remember my kids doing this. Wait til you see JH trying to imitate them!

    • I remember Neeley and I doing something similar! We’d put both our feet up on one side of the hallway and our butts up against the other side– like we were sitting in the air!

      Anyway, Luke looks like he’s flying!

  3. This amazes me – maybe becaues i was raised with all sisters (brother was 15 when i was born…) and i have daughters – so these type things are not common place around here…. these pictures cracked me up!!!

  4. Jill (thebaglady)

    This amazes me too. My palms instantly started sweating when I saw these pictures!

  5. I love seeing that joy on Luke’s face. And I’m quite impressed that Bennett can do that considering his deficit in arm and leg length as compared to Luke.

    Such a boy thing to do. 🙂

  6. That is seriously impressive.

  7. You are such a cool mom. My mom would NEVER let me do that as a kid!

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