It’s That Time Again…

Seriously. 2010? I feel like just yesterday were were all freaking out over the end of the world, aka Y2K.

Here’s a glimpse of our NYE…video taken at about 6:55 pm, after a rousing game of Blokus (video taken on my new Flip camera!). We usually get together with the Swinigans, but Luke’s had a low-grade fever and cough for a couple of days, so we had to cancel. But, no NYE party is complete without confetti.

Alas, a new year = a good time to think about what I want 2010 to look like. Which means looking back at my 2009 goals.

They included:
1. Of course, lose weight/get fit. Marginal improvement in this area for several months of the year in the fitness department (which didn’t result in weight loss, but that was ok), but since the 5K I’ve not cared much. Reluctantly hopping back on that wagon…
2. Skin care – improved. I can still do a better job with the face washing, but I’ve got sunscreen on my face every day. Important stuff. By the way, if anyone can recommend a good exfoliating scrub, I’m interested, but only if it doesn’t cost a fortune.
3. Daily Bible reading. I do great for a while, then quit.
4. Cook one new meal a month. While this wasn’t a conscious decision to make sure I made at least one, I know we did this. And found some new favorites.
5. Christmas projects – projects, plural?…hmmm. Honestly, I’m wondering if I forgot to do one of them I was planning! I did one big one, which I’ll share soon.
6. Blurb book did NOT happen. I found it very difficult to do. Might have to revisit that idea…
7. I am far worse at Guitar Hero since last Christmas. A wrist injury forced me to not play for several months, and since my wrist has been better, I just haven’t cared!

So, for 2010…
1. Sign up for a 5K again. I know having something like that out in front of me will make me train again.
2. Read more: daily Bible reading and novels, because I really enjoy both. Just need to make time for this…it’s important.
3. Continue finding ways to make our meals as healthy as possible. I love eating junky food over the holidays like everyone else, but it leaves me feeling pretty gross. Of course, if things we try are good, I’ll post them over at Three More Bites.
4. I might give the Blurb book another try. No promises.
5. Biggie this year: stay organized. With a move hopefully in our near future, I am starting now with the decluttering (actually, I already started this a few months ago, but it needs to continue – I love when organizations call for donations. I always have a few bags for them!). Also, when I’m organized, other things work better in my life: meals get made, I’m more patient with the kids (but can always do better in this area, too), etc. This will be especially important as a big change we’re making for the first half of the year is that I’m babysitting my nephew, Will, full-time while his regular babysitter has twins. So check back often for daily cuteness of having a baby in the house!

So, what’s on your list this year?

8 responses to “It’s That Time Again…

  1. Happy New Year Nicole,Matt, and your precious Boys! May it be a year of growth, joy, peace, and countless blessings.

  2. LOVE the boys’ countdown, esp w/ Jack Henry’s enthusiastic shouting!!

    At my age, I don’t get too excited about goals, having made & broken every resolution I ever dreamed of. However . . . hope springs eternal:

    1. Go back to the gym and/or walking outside when weather permits. I absolutely know w/ certainty that my complete lack of purposeful exercise in the last 2 yrs. has been the major cause of my weight re-gain. When I’m making no effort to exercise, my eating is shot too. All or nothing thinking.

    2. Go through the house & purge. I did our basement, which was “Hoarders-worthy” material, as well as some closets, when I retired, and did a little more before our garage sale 2 yrs. ago, but somehow it just wasn’t enough; there’s way too much “stuff” everywhere. I need to get more ruthless.

    Any amount of progress in those 2 big categories would be a big improvement.

    And I’m making another NY resolution, but I’m not telling yet! I’ll report back later on that to my nearest & dearest if I have any success! πŸ™‚

  3. That video is about the cutest thing I have seen this year! (;-)) JH cracked me up!

    Goals – don’t plan them because I always fail…. so just stopped. But……
    I am meal planning – which I started in November – and my mom bought me a meal planning cookbook and calendar for Christmas so i am excited about continuing that and I have started a new budget type dealy for our household expenses. This is huge because Budget and Jason/Sara have never really been in the same sentence before – but with the 2010 remodel/addition coming on – we have to get serious about putting some $$ away for a rainy day (or new appliances etc -whatever you want to call it)
    Happy New Year!!

    • Sara, not even THE cutest thing all year? πŸ™‚

      Good luck with the budget! Being married to a banker, we’ve had a budget since BEFORE we were married, I think. You’ll get used to it! And yay for a remodel!

  4. I felt Shutterfly’s photobooks were WAY easier to use than Blurb.

    I recently started running and am planning on also doing a 5K this year. Fingers crossed.

  5. Awesome list! Happy 2010! We’ve been friends for 15 years now! (well, come fall)

  6. I’ve published several Blurb books and LOVE them! Their pricing is great and I was pleased with the quality, too! Their software is very user friendly, too! Have fun!

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